Covenant Christian Fellowship
Our church is part of the worldwide family united by the cross of Jesus. Students, young workers, families, and older saints, from all walks of life—we are all one in Christ Jesus.
Our mission is to proclaim Christ here, throughout Galway, and to the world. Because of this, we take the Bible seriously, since in it God’s voice is proclaimed and heard today, with clarity and power. So our priority is to open it and hear him speak, wherever and whenever we can. We invite you to come to and join with us.
We aim to provide Biblical Worship, Teaching, Evangelism, and Fellowship.
What We Believe
God – In one God, who exists as three different but equal persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The Bible – That the Bible is the Word of God, and that there is no better guide on earth as to what we should believe and how we should live our lives.
Men & Women – That everyone is born a sinner, and as such is subject to God’s wrath and the punishment of death, which means eternal separation from God in Hell.
Getting to Heaven – Repentance of sin and turning in faith to accept Jesus Christ as Saviour is the only way of salvation from the wrath of God and His ultimate eternal punishment.
Jesus Christ – Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, alone paid the penalty for sin and as such is the only Redeemer of men. Having risen from the grave Jesus Christ now resides in Heaven from where He rules the nations until the day of His glorious return, a day which will usher in His judgement.
Being a Christian – That is the duty of Christians by the help of the Holy Spirit to strive to put to death sin and to live a life of glory based on what God has written in His Word.
Our Leadership

Our Pastor: Warren Peel, B.A., M.Th.
Warren Peel studied Classics at Oxford University and Theology at the Reformed Theological College in Belfast. His Masters degree, from Queen’s University Belfast, focused on the Lamb in the book of Revelation.
He became a Pastor in the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland in 2001 and has served two congregations in Coleraine and Newtownabbey before coming to Covenant Christian Fellowship in 2023. He teaches Greek and New Testament at the Reformed Theological College, Belfast and serves as a Trustee of the Banner of Truth Trust.
He is married to Ruth and they have four daughters. He enjoys reading, walking, swimming and cycling.
Our Worship
Worship is a great privilege. God is our Creator, He made us and knows everything about us. Incredible as it may seem mankind actually despises God, as we did as well. But God has been gracious to us and given us a desire to worship Him, not because of anything in us but because of His love. What better way to start the week than to join with other people who have been given the same desire to glorify and enjoy God in worship.
The Bible is central in all we do in worship. We sing to God using the 150 songs that God has given us specifically for that purpose. We read from the Bible because it is God’s word to us. It tells us what we need to know about ourselves, God, and the only way of salvation, so that we can be with God in heaven for eternity. We listen to our minister preaching from the Bible, because God tells us that faith comes through hearing the Word of God preached, as does the knowledge of how we can live to enjoy God and our lives to the full. We also obey the command of God given in the Bible to return to him a portion of the money that He gives to us.
Our worship of God is not about us. Our worship is about God. We get together to worship Him. It’s not designed to make us feel good or bad. It’s designed so that we can say to God thank you for all that you have given to us and please teach and help us to live as lovers of You! It’s all about God. When we get that sorted, everything falls into place!
Our Denomination
The reformation of the church during the 1500/1600s was ignited and fanned by a return to the principles of: Scripture alone as the unchanging standard – The glory of God alone as the goal – Christ alone as man’s Saviour – Grace alone as the saving cause – Faith alone as the means by which man is declared right before God. As a reformed Church we still hold to these five points.
We are called Presbyterian because of our form of Church government. Believing that the Lord Jesus Christ has given such for the care of His people, each congregation is ruled by Elders, (known as a Session) who are subject in the Lord to higher Church bodies (known as Presbyteries and a Synod). The Reformed Presbyterian Church of Scotland has very close relationships with the following churches in the ‘RP Family’. The ties today are as strong as they have ever been, a fact for which the Scottish RP Church is very thankful.