The command to "greet one another with a holy kiss" appears five times in the New Testament, emphasizing the importance of warm and affectionate greetings within the church. This message explores the deeper meaning behind this command, the cultural application of greeting, and the significance of expressing love and unity among believers.

1. A Comprehensive Greeting:
Paul instructs that everyone in the church should greet one another warmly and affectionately, without favouritism. In the early church, this command to greet all the brothers and sisters with a holy kiss emphasized equality and unity, breaking down social barriers. In our context, it’s essential to ensure that everyone in the congregation feels included and welcomed. This might mean greeting those we don’t know well or those who might otherwise be overlooked.
2. An Affectionate Greeting:
The holy kiss was a sign of genuine affection and love among Christians. Today, while the exact form of greeting may differ culturally—whether it's a handshake, hug, or another appropriate gesture—the underlying principle remains the same. We are to greet one another warmly, reflecting the love we have for each other in Christ. This warmth should not be superficial but a genuine expression of the care we have for our brothers and sisters in the faith.
3. A Family Greeting:
The holy kiss also signifies the familial nature of the church. As members of God’s family, we are brothers and sisters in Christ. This greeting is a reminder that we belong to one another and that our relationships should reflect the closeness and love of a family. The church is meant to be a place where people are genuinely loved and cared for, a contrast to the often cold and disconnected world outside.
Lessons for Us:
Be Inclusive:
Ensure that your greetings extend to everyone in the church, breaking down any barriers of favoritism or exclusion. -
Express Genuine Affection:
Whether through a handshake, hug, or other culturally appropriate gesture, let your greetings be a true reflection of the love you have for your fellow believers. -
Embrace Your Church Family:
Remember that the church is a family, and our greetings should reflect the warmth, affection, and unity that characterize a loving family. -
Be a Witness through Love:
Our genuine love and warm greetings should stand out as a testimony to the world, drawing others to the love of Christ.
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