In this sermon, we explore Romans 3:21-26, where Paul presents the glorious solution to humanity’s desperate problem of sin. After demonstrating that all are under sin and guilty before God, Paul now reveals the righteousness that comes from God, which is available to all who believe through faith in Jesus Christ.

Today, we turn to Romans 3:21-26, where Paul offers the solution to the universal problem of sin he has outlined so far. These verses are pivotal, providing the essence of salvation and offering hope through the righteousness of God.
The Solution Disclosed (Verse 21):
- Paul begins with the powerful phrase, “But now,” signaling a significant shift. Despite humanity’s complete lack of righteousness, God has revealed a way to make us righteous. This righteousness from God is apart from the law and is testified to by the Law and the Prophets. It is a divine righteousness that God provides out of His grace and mercy.
The Solution Applied (Verses 22-23):
- This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. Paul emphasizes that there is no distinction between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Everyone is in need of this righteousness, and it is accessible to all through faith. This faith is not merely a general belief but a specific trust in Jesus Christ, His life, death, and resurrection.
The Solution Described (Verses 24-26):
- Paul uses three vivid pictures to describe how this righteousness is applied to us:
- The Courtroom: We are justified freely by His grace. Justification is a legal declaration where God pronounces us not guilty because of Jesus Christ. It is an act of God’s grace, unearned and undeserved.
- The Slave Market: This justification comes through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. Redemption refers to the freeing of a slave through the payment of a ransom. Jesus paid the ultimate price with His blood, setting us free from the bondage of sin.
- The Execution Chamber: God presented Christ as a propitiation through the shedding of His blood. Propitiation means to turn away wrath by means of a sacrifice. Jesus took on the wrath of God that we deserved, satisfying divine justice and making it possible for us to be reconciled with God.
- Paul uses three vivid pictures to describe how this righteousness is applied to us:
Paul concludes by emphasizing that God’s righteousness is demonstrated in this process. God is both just and the justifier of those who have faith in Jesus. This means that God’s justice is fully satisfied in the sacrifice of Christ, allowing Him to declare sinners righteous without compromising His holiness.
Lessons for Us:
Righteousness Comes from God: We cannot achieve righteousness on our own. It is a gift from God, provided through Jesus Christ.
Faith in Jesus Christ: Salvation is obtained through faith in Jesus Christ. It is not about our works but about trusting in what Christ has done for us.
God’s Justice and Mercy: God’s solution to our sin problem upholds both His justice and His mercy. The cross is the place where God’s love and justice meet perfectly.
This passage is a profound revelation of God’s plan for salvation. It highlights our desperate need for a Savior and the incredible provision God has made through Jesus Christ.
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