A Case Study of the Gospel (2) How Abraham WAS made right with God (Rom 4.16-25)

Published on 24 February 2025 at 13:08

In Romans 4:16-25, Paul deepens his argument about how human beings are made right with God—not through our own efforts, but by faith. Building on the example of Abraham, Paul explains that righteousness is credited to us as a free gift from God.

The Gift of Righteousness

Paul declares, "Therefore the promise comes by faith so that it may be by grace." This means that righteousness isn’t something we earn through good works, circumcision, or strict adherence to the law. Instead, it is a gracious gift from God, given freely to all who believe, just as it was to Abraham. If righteousness were earned, there would be nothing to boast about—but since it is received by faith, no one can take credit.

Abraham: The Prototype of Saving Faith

Abraham stands as the ultimate example of saving faith. Despite the seemingly impossible circumstances—being nearly a hundred years old and his wife Sarah’s barrenness—Abraham trusted God completely. He believed in God's promise to make him "the father of many nations," even when all human evidence suggested otherwise. His faith was so strong that it was credited to him as righteousness, serving as a model for all who follow God's promises.

Why Works Can't Save Us

Paul makes it clear that no human effort can ever attain righteousness. The works that might impress the world pale in comparison to the glorious gift of grace. Even Abraham’s impressive deeds, such as his willingness to leave his homeland and his generous spirit, could not justify him before God. Instead, it was his faith—his absolute trust in God's ability to bring life out of death—that made him righteous. This teaching powerfully distinguishes Christianity from any system that claims salvation can be earned.

The Fulfillment in Christ

The promise of righteousness that Abraham received is not just a historical fact—it points forward to its ultimate fulfillment in Jesus Christ. Paul reminds us that, for those who believe in Him who raised Jesus from the dead, righteousness is credited as a gift. Christ’s sacrificial death and triumphant resurrection complete the work of justification, ensuring that salvation is available to everyone who trusts in Him.


Romans 4:16-25 offers a compelling case study of the gospel. It teaches us that our right standing with God is not achieved by our own efforts but is received by faith—a gift of grace that begins with Abraham and finds its fulfillment in Jesus Christ. As we reflect on this passage, we are challenged to examine our own lives: Are we relying on our works, or do we trust wholly in the promise of God's grace? This assurance—that righteousness comes by faith and is guaranteed to all who believe—reminds us that our salvation is secure, not by our merit, but by God’s unchanging promise.

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